OTC Industrial Technologies | Industry News

Custom Filtration System Streamlines Production and Reduces Operational Costs | OTC Industrial Technologies

Written by OTC Insights Team | Feb 17, 2025 6:00:00 PM


A prominent manufacturer of automotive parts and decorative trim solutions faced persistent challenges in its finishing department. An unreliable filter setup, compounded by frequent filter replacements, escalated both costs and disruptions to core operations.

  • Customer: Automotive Manufacturer
  • Relationship with OTC: 4 years


A manufacturer’s finishing department relied heavily on continuous air filtration to maintain product quality and meet safety standards. However, the existing filters deteriorated at a rapid pace, requiring frequent and costly replacements. The primary filter required daily replacement, and the secondary pocket filters needed replacement every two weeks. Any filter failure brought production ground to a halt, driving up labor expenses and causing significant downtime. 


Determined to overcome these setbacks, the manufacturer sought assistance from OTC Industrial Technologies. Recognizing that premature filter breakdown was the root cause of the spiraling costs, OTC’s specialists devised a solution that would both extend filter longevity and improve operational efficiency.

OTC promptly conducted a comprehensive assessment of the plant’s finishing operations, analyzing factors such as airflow requirements, contamination sources, and the frequency of filter failures. OTC’s findings led to the following solutions:

  1. Creating Custom-Engineered Filters - Leveraging their extensive expertise, OTC filter experts developed a custom solution specifically for the finishing departments applications. By using a custom filter and optimizing its function for the manufacturer’s specific environment, the newly engineered filters needed replacement only every three weeks compared to every week like the previous filter.
  2. Streamlining Inventory Management - To ensure smooth day-to-day operations, OTC also introduced a more robust inventory management system. OTC directly managed the supply on-site, keeping filters on hand and ready to be installed. This proactive strategy guaranteed that replacement filters were always in stock and ready for installation, minimizing any risk of unplanned downtime. Additionally, it provided peace of mind for the manufacturer’s finishing operations team.


By transitioning to OTC’s custom filtration solution, the manufacturer’s team was able to triple the lifespan of their filters. The manufacturer dramatically reduced both material and labor expenditures because of this solution. Production interruptions caused by filter failures fell dramatically, allowing their teams to focus on higher-value tasks and further process improvements.

A once problematic step in the production line has evolved into an efficient operation, ultimately lowering costs, enhancing reliability, and enabling the company to deliver high-quality automotive and decorative trim products.

Learn more  about OTC’s filter audits and see if a custom solution is right for you.